Elizabeth Nickels
Fiction editor and proofreader
Why choose an editor for your book?
Currently, there are plenty of online resources for authors who want to correct their grammar and spelling, such as Grammarly and Prowritingaid.
However, these apps are best used at the very end of the writing and editing process, where AI technology can be successful at catching typos or small grammatical errors. They are not yet very good at improving plot structure, narrative or character. Some authors have found that when using them to correct basic grammar errors they can make even worse ones!
The writing community is full of options for authors who’d like other people to give their opinion on their book before publishing – such as beta/ARC readers or writing buddies. Employing these readers can be a great way to test if your characters and narrative work, as well as get some much needed encouragement! They can be enthusiastic readers of an author's chosen genre, and are a good guide as to whether a book is likely to be embraced by other readers.
However, authors can't expect these kinds of readers to focus in on details of style, narrative and characterisation. Sometimes simply moving a few paragraphs around, changing the POV of a scene, or adding a new chapter can turn a good story into a great one.
That's where the editor comes in!